Collection: Kinker

Item Number: KCClub0015

Category: Club

Region: Northeast

Tribe: Great Lakes - Eastern Great Lakes

Period: 1750-1775

Materials: Hardwood

Description: Early ball club with horned underwater monster holding the ball in it's mouth.

Dimensions: Length 25 inches


Speyer Collection


Ewing, Douglas C., Pleasing The Spirits: A Catalogue of a Collection of American Indian Art, Ghylen Press, New York, 1982, pp 140, Fig. 107 (correct description under Fig. 108)
Benndorf, Helga and Arthur Speyer, Eds., Indianer Nordamerikas, 1760-1860, Aus der Sammlung Speyer, Deutschen Ledermuseum, Offenbach a. M., 1968, Fig. 64 (center) with description on page 94.

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