Collection: Kinker
Item Number: KCClub0005
Category: Club
Region: Northeast
Tribe: Ojibwa - Huron?
Period: 1750-1775
Materials: Maple
Description: Very fine ball club made of dense, heavy hardwood with a burl ball head. Complex designs carved on both sides of the handle, ending with a beautiful finial. A powerful animal holds the ball in its mouth. Wolf clan symbol carved on the left side; water bird carved on the right.
Dimensions: Length 24.75 inches
Pitt River Museum, England
Wellington Collection
Marvin Lintz Collection, Oregon
Brant Mackley, Pennsylvania
Ewing, Douglas C., Pleasing The Spirits: A Catalogue of a Collection of American Indian Art, Ghylen Press, New York, 1982, pp 141, Fig. 108 (correct description under Fig. 107)
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