Collection: Fry
Item Number: Fry0182
Category: Mask
Region: Arctic
Tribe: Eskimo
Period: 1850-1875
Materials: Wood
Description: Very early Eskimo mask of wood, darkened with age, collected in the Baffin Island area of Canada as noted on the old tag. This mask was collected in 1884, and was part of the Heye Foundation Collection until 1944.
Dimensions: 6.5" x 4.5"
Grimmer/Roach, Santa Fe, N.M.
Deaccessioned from the Heye Foundation (16/6791) in 1944 to Julius Carlebach. Mr. Carlebach then sold the mask to Maria Martins (1894-1973) a Surrealist artist of the 1940s. The mask, which was taken to Brazil by Maria Martins was subsequently gifted to her daughter.
Lure of the Arctic, Cincinnati Art Museum, October 2007 - January 2008
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