Collection: Fry
Item Number: Fry0135
Category: Sieve
Region: Arctic
Tribe: Eskimo
Period: 1875-1900
Materials: Bone, wood, baleen with cord and seal hide lashings.
Description: Sieve, formed from antler, with wooden handles one with baleen mesh and the other sinew. These nets or sieves were used by Eskimo fishermen to remove thin layers of ice from fishing holes, as the surface water was re-freezing. Baleen was utilized when available since water did not freeze to it. These implements were well known in northwestern Alaska and northeastern Siberia.
Dimensions: 58" and 61"
Chilberg Collection
Lure of the Arctic, Cincinnati Art Museum, October 2007 - January 2008
Bockstoce, J.R., Eskimos of Northwest Alaska in the Early 19th Century, Pitt River Museum, Oxford, 1977,
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