Collection: Fenn
Item Number: FCTOM1542
Category: Tomahawk
Region: Northeast
Tribe: French Canadian
Period: 1875-1900 - 1886
Materials: Brass, wood, iron
Description: Cast brass poll head tomahawk decorated with rocker engraved Indian motifs on both sides, top and bottom. The haft is decorated with four iron bands that are nailed on with three iron nails. Brass tacks punctuate both sides of the haft.
Dimensions: Length 18 inches
Arnold Chernoff
Tom Seymour III
A French Canadian trapper living with a Canadian Indian tribe.
Illustrated in The Gun Report, June, 1985
Hanson, James A., Spirits in the Arts: From the Plains and Soutwest Indian Cultures, The Lowell Press, Kansas City, 1994, pp 39
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