Collection: Fenn
Item Number: FCMOC727
Category: Moccasins
Region: Plains
Tribe: Cheyenne
Period: 1875-1900
Materials: Leather, rawhide, glass beads, sinew.
Description: Rawhide soles sinew stitched to native tanned leather tops. Red and green animals decorate the toes and sides. A single fringe strap hangs from each heel and the tongues are forked.
Dimensions: Length 10.5 inches
The studio of E.I Couse to Kibby Couse by descent.
Used in many paintings by E.I. Couse
Photograph of a Taos Indian posing in the Couse studio wearing the moccasins. Hanson, James A., Spirits in the Arts: From the Plains and Soutwest Indian Cultures, The Lowell Press, Kansas City, 1994, pp 70
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